Wednesday 12 December 2012

Good Morning When It's Morning...

Gingerbread House!

On Friday it was Dylan's birthday and look what he brought with him to school!

Thank-you Dylan and your wonderful mother Karen for making such a gorgeous treat! I think we can all agree it tasted delicious! 

Butter Makers!

As part of our topic this term for technology, we are learning about milk and about how milk can be manipulated and changed into different substances.

Last week Room 4 made butter. First we poured some cream into a jar. Then we added a pinch of salt. After that we closed the lid nice and tight and took turns shaking the jar. It took a little while however our cream started turning into butter! How did this happen? Let's have a look at the process...

Our Special Visitor!

Guess who came to visit us at school... RONALD McDONALD!

He talked to us about road safety. We learnt about how to cross the road safely and why it is so important to wear our seat belt while we are traveling in a vehicle. We also learnt why it is important to wear a helmet while we are riding our bike. 

What else did we learn?... Lets have a look at some photos...

We need to make sure that we remember what Ronald McDonald taught us, especially throughout the holiday season as lots of people will be traveling for Christmas and the New Year.