Sunday 17 June 2012

Things we need to take on our trip

Junior Trip to Wellington-Tuesday 19 June
(Rooms 1 – 4)

We need
·      to wear warm clothes – the weather could be very cold
·      to wear sensible walking shoes
·      to wear a warm jacket / coat,  and maybe a hat
·      to bring our lunch
·      to have a drink bottle of water

Please name your child’s clothing so we can easily identify jackets etc. if we pick them up.

Remember your child has to carry all their belongings in their school bag so please ensure there are no toys or anything else in their bags.

If the weather is too bad, and we have to cancel the trip, we will leave a message on the school message line at 8am. There is no postponement day.


  1. It was a bit of a rainy day. But I had awesome and cool fun!

  2. The junior trip to Wellington, was really really fun because the smoke from the steam train, got darker and smellier. I loved looking at everything and I mean everything.I mean it. From Jimmy.

  3. When the juniors went to wellington we had a lot of fun! My favourite part was the cable car and getting a balloon! From Jimmy
